
Carefully, improving, empowering

The aim is to create positive changes in your health and wellbeing that allow you to radiate from within. As an experienced wellbeing advisor, I am skilled in providing the right resources for stress management and encourage mindful wellbeing practices to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I have a variety of programmes to fulfil your goals, whether you’re serious about making a change or just need some help getting started. Let’s make progress together, progress not perfection, to enhance your wellbeing!

One to One

Stress relief techniques

Improved Health

Feel happier

2 x 1 hour sessions
ONLY $149

40min 1x/week
6 week package
ONLY $415 

 40min 1x/week
12 week package
ONLY $659

Recover & Restore 6 week personal challenge

Gently does it

Do 3 actions each day to recover

Do 3 actions each day to restore

Brief educational weekly email
Action Sheet

40min 1x/week
ONLY $359 

Wellbeing 12 week personal challenge

Relief from stress

Improved sleep

Sharper mind

Weekly phone/zoom consultation

40min 1x/week
ONLY $659